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Navy and Booz Allen Hamilton developed a similar technique⁠ – PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique)⁠ – which is where the term 'critical path' originated. Kelley and Walker published a paper on their research in 1959, although DuPont moved away from the technique after the management team that was responsible for it changed. By ensuring that the right tasks were performed at the right times, instead of simply saturating the problem with additional labour, they found that excess costs could be avoided. They were attempting to find ways to reduce the costs associated with plant shutdowns and restarts that were being caused by inefficient scheduling. The history of critical path analysisĬPM was developed in the late 1950s by James E. Put simply, the critical path method helps you to understand the optimum timeline for completing your project. The critical path itself is the longest amount of time it will take you to complete the overall project, giving you an insight into how best to structure your project schedule to ensure it’s delivered on time and at minimum cost.

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In essence, the critical path method requires you to list all the activities that need to be finished to complete a project, the length of time each activity will take and the dependencies between these activities. There are a broad range of project management tools that can help you achieve these goals, one of which is the critical path method (CPM).ĬPM is a project modelling technique that you can use to analyse, plan and schedule complex projects. When you’re managing a complex project with lots of moving parts and evolving deadlines, it can be difficult to deliver on time and on budget.

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